Liturgical Life

The liturgical life of our Catholic school is vibrant and integral to our community, marked by regular celebrations of Mass and feast days. We come together as a school to celebrate these occasions with reverence and joy, incorporating student participation through readings, prayers, and music. These celebrations deepen our Catholic faith, foster a sense of unity, and provide opportunities for reflection and spiritual growth.

Liturgical highlights of our school year include:

  • Beginning of the School Year Mass
  • Ash Wednesday Liturgy
  • Holy Week reflections
  • Easter celebration
  • Feast of the Sacred Heart
  • Feast of the Assumption
  • Mother’s and Grandparent’s Day Masses
  • Father’s Day Liturgies
  • Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day
  • Saint Anthony Claret Feast Day
  • Harmony and Multicultural Day Liturgies
  • Saint Mary of the Cross Feast Day
  • All Saints’ Feast Day
  • Year 6 Graduation Liturgy
  • End of Year Mass